What are the vaccines worth getting for adults? It's all sorted out here

2021.11.16 22:04:00
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01, hepatitis B vaccine

3 injections are required, the second and third doses are given in the first month and 6 months after vaccination

1. Why is it recommended to receive hepatitis B vaccine?

The survey shows that 50% of adults in my country are at potential risk of contracting hepatitis B virus. If hepatitis B is not actively treated, it can progress to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, which is a high-risk factor leading to liver cancer! Active vaccination of hepatitis B vaccine can prevent hepatitis B virus infection and carrying, thereby reducing the risk of liver cancer!

2. Which adults recommend playing?

❶ High-risk susceptible persons of hepatitis B virus: family members of hepatitis B virus carriers, medical staff who often come into contact with blood, people with multiple sexual partners, intravenous drug users, etc.
❷People born before 2002: Hepatitis B vaccine has only entered the national immunization program in 2002, so a large part of people born before 2002 may not have been vaccinated.

Reminder: 1 to 2 months after hepatitis B vaccination is completed, high-risk groups are recommended to go to the hospital to check the hepatitis B surface antibody. If it is positive, the vaccine has worked.

02. Varicella vaccine

2 injections in total, 3 months apart

1. Why is it recommended to get chickenpox vaccine?

Although chickenpox occurs more frequently in children aged 2-10 years, adults become more severely ill after being infected with chickenpox virus, with complications and mortality rates 30-40 times that of children. Therefore, it is recommended that adults also be vaccinated with varicella vaccine. Once a woman is infected with varicella virus during pregnancy, it will endanger the health of the mother and the growth and development of the fetus. The incidence of pneumonia in pregnant women is as high as 20%, and the mortality rate is as high as 14%.

2. Which adults recommend playing?

❶ People who have never had chickenpox nor vaccinated against chickenpox.
❷ Teachers, medical staff, pregnant women (pregnant women with chickenpox may affect the fetus).
❸ People who have close contact with chickenpox patients.

03, HPV vaccine

Need 3 shots

1. Why is HPV vaccine recommended?

Prevent cervical cancer!
The occurrence of cervical cancer is closely related to high-risk HPV virus infection.
Vaccination can prevent high-risk HPV infection, thereby effectively preventing cervical cancer.

2. Which adults recommend playing?

❶ Women aged 11 to 13: At this stage, women have the greatest level of antibody and protection after vaccination.
❷ Women before the age of 26: Around the age of 25 is a peak period of infection, and the effect of vaccination before is better. Two, four, and nine-valent vaccines can be vaccinated.
❸ Women before 45 years old: 45 years old is the second peak of infection, 27 to 45 years old can be vaccinated with bivalent and quadrivalent vaccines.

Reminder: HPV vaccine has the best protective effect for women who have not yet had sex. For women over 45 years old, vaccination is of little significance. Experts suggest that inoculation should be "as soon as possible" in order to achieve better protection.

04. MMR vaccine

A total of 2 injections, the interval between the two injections is at least 1 month

1. Why is it recommended to receive MMR vaccine?

Measles, mumps and rubella are all acute infectious diseases in children caused by viral infections. Before the vaccine was used, among the three diseases, measles had the highest morbidity and mortality, and it was the most harmful to children‘s health. Although the clinical symptoms of mumps and rubella are mild and the prognosis is good, mumps is sometimes accompanied by serious complications and aggravates the condition; rubella infection in pregnant women can cause fetal congenital rubella syndrome and even serious consequences, so they are also paid attention to .

Clinical studies have proved that the combined measles and mumps vaccination produces relatively strong and lasting immunity to measles, mumps and rubella. Many countries have achieved the goal of controlling the spread of the disease in their homes through the immunization program of two doses of measles and mumps vaccine. The mumps triple vaccine is also a vaccine that can be vaccinated by the entire population

2. Who is recommended for vaccination?

Adults who have not suffered from measles, rubella, mumps, and have not been vaccinated against measles and mumps, especially women who are planning to become pregnant, complete the vaccination at least 3 months before.

05. Shingles vaccine

2 injections in total, 2-6 months apart

1. Why is the shingles vaccine recommended?

Avoid painful neuralgia!
Herpes zoster itself can heal itself, but if you do not intervene in time, neuralgia after herpes zoster may occur.
This kind of sequelae neuralgia is recognized as one of the most painful diseases in the world, which can last for many years and lack effective treatment. And vaccination can prevent it from happening.

2. Which adults recommend playing?

People over 50 with normal immune function: After the age of 50, the human body gradually lacks immunity against the "chickenpox-shingles" virus.

Reminder: The current research shows that the protective effect of the vaccine lasts for at least 4 years. It is not clear whether booster immunization is needed after 4 years.

06. Pneumonia vaccine

1-2 shots are required according to the situation

1. Why is pneumonia vaccine recommended?

It can effectively reduce the risk of pneumonia, otitis media, and sinusitis.
Pneumococcal bacteria can not only cause pneumonia, but also cause sinusitis, otitis media, meningitis, sepsis and so on.
The elderly are at high risk of pneumococcal infection due to the decline in immune function and various chronic diseases, and the mortality rate is high.

2. Which adults recommend playing first?

❶ Elderly people over 60 years old.
❷ Patients with chronic heart, brain, lung, kidney disease, or diabetes patients and other chronic diseases.
❸ Cancer patients and other patients with diseases that can cause weakened immune function.

07, flu vaccine

1 shot per year

1. Why is influenza vaccination recommended?

Reduce flu mortality!

Unlike the common cold, the elderly are at a higher risk of suffering from influenza, which may cause complications such as pneumonia and myocarditis, which may be life-threatening. Therefore, it is recommended that the entire population, including the elderly, be actively vaccinated.

2. Which adults recommend playing first?

❶ Elderly people 60 years old and above.
❷ Patients with specific chronic diseases (such as patients with coronary heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney dysfunction, immunodeficiency and other diseases).
❸ Medical staff, family members and caregivers of babies under 6 months old, etc.

Reminder: The subtypes of influenza that are prevalent every year may be different, so it needs to be vaccinated once a year. It is recommended that people at risk are actively vaccinated.