Novel coronavirus pneumonia difference between how much do you know?

2022.01.24 04:03:05
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There are headache, nasal congestion, sneezing, cough and other symptoms of early pneumonia in New Coronavirus.

But in fact, there are clear differences between them.

Main differences in symptoms

Symptoms of novel coronavirus pneumonia

Gao Zhancheng, an expert member of the national health and Health Committee, said that the incubation period of New Coronavirus pneumonia is on average 14 days.

The main symptoms are fever, fatigue and dry cough. Some patients have mild symptoms, but no fever. In addition, about half of the patients infected with New Coronavirus had chest tightness and dyspnea after 3~5 days.

Severe cases rapidly progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome, septic shock, uncorrectable metabolic acidosis and coagulation dysfunction.
Key points: 50% of patients have chest tightness and dyspnea after one week.

Symptoms of the common cold

In the early stage, the throat is dry and itchy or burning, sneezing, stuffy nose and runny nose. It starts with clear water like runny nose and thickens after 2 ~ 3 days, which can be accompanied by sore throat.

Generally, there is no fever and systemic symptoms, or only low fever and headache. If there is no concurrent bacterial infection, it can be cured in 5 ~ 7 days.

Key points: generally, there is no fever and general discomfort, or only low fever and headache. If there is no bacterial infection, it can be cured in 5-7 days. (please note that about 50% of patients with new pneumonia will have symptoms such as poor breathing in about a week.)

Symptoms of influenza

Sudden high fever, headache and discomfort, severe systemic symptoms and mild respiratory symptoms. The early manifestations are chills and fever, and the body temperature can be as high as 39 ℃ ~ 40 ℃. At the same time, it is accompanied by headache and systemic pain, and often feels dry eyes, dry throat and mild sore throat.

Some patients will have runny nose, stuffy nose, dry cough, chest pain, nausea and other symptoms. Sometimes accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms, such as vomiting, diarrhea and so on.

So here‘s the point:

When is it more appropriate to go to the hospital?
Before going to the hospital, you can ask yourself:
Does the body temperature exceed 38 ℃?
Is there any obvious dyspnea?
Are they elderly, young children, pregnant women or persons with serious chronic diseases?
Have you been to medium and high risk areas within 14 days before symptoms,
Or have you ever been in contact with people with fever and respiratory symptoms from medium and high risk areas?
Is it aggregation?

If you meet the above requirements, please go to the hospital immediately! If not, you can observe at home for 2-3 days; However, if the symptoms worsen, please go to the hospital immediately!