Cervical erosion, an over treated "gynecological disease"

2022.01.18 22:00:04
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Many people will feel particularly panic when they hear the word "cervical erosion". They feel that they have a very serious disease! This is because the word "erosion" sounds very scary. At the same time, it will remind people of ulceration, suppuration, improper private life and so on

Doctor, doctor! Does cervical erosion mean that my cervix begins to rot? If it is not treated in time, will my whole uterus rot along with it?!

In fact, cervical erosion has nothing to do with sexual life, nor is it a disease! It‘s just a normal physiological phenomenon! As early as the 7th edition of Obstetrics and gynecology for undergraduates in 2008, its preface clearly stated: "we should be in line with international standards, pay attention to knowledge updating... Constantly update the clinical diagnosis and treatment standards. For example, the name of" cervical erosion "should be abolished and replaced by the physiological phenomenon of" ectopic cervical columnar epithelium ". Therefore, the diagnosis of "cervical erosion" has been cancelled, but because cervical erosion has been widely used in clinic, many doctors are still used to calling it "cervical erosion"!

"Cervical erosion" is a normal physiological phenomenon!

In the cervical part, there are two different types of cells, one is squamous epithelial cells, the other is columnar epithelial cells. Generally, after menstruation, the columnar epithelium moves outward under the influence of estrogen, so more columnar epithelium similar to "erosion" is found during gynecological examination. After menopause, the estrogen level of women decreases and the columnar epithelium moves inward, so the "erosion" can not be seen during women‘s examination. Therefore, the essence of "cervical erosion" is the ectopic columnar epithelium of the cervix, that is, the columnar epithelium of the cervix replaces the squamous epithelium. During gynecological examination, the place covered by the outer squamous epithelium is smooth and similar to the color of normal mucosa. However, due to the thin columnar epithelium in the cervical canal, the lower stroma is penetrated into the red seen by the naked eye, so it is called "erosion", It is a normal physiological phenomenon.

It should be reminded that the cervix still needs regular examination, because some cervicitis and cervical cancer can cause true cervical erosion. True cervical erosion refers to the acute inflammation of the cervical part caused by human infection with Chlamydia trachomatis, mycoplasma infection, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, herpes simplex virus and syphilis, which leads to the loss of cervical epithelium, ulcer or ulcer caused by canceration. The loss of epithelium may also be caused by chemical and physical factors.

What are the clinical manifestations of "cervical erosion"?

"Cervical erosion" is a normal physiological phenomenon, and generally there will be no special clinical manifestations. If combined with cervicitis, there may be increased leucorrhea and yellowing, resulting in peculiar smell, resulting in lower abdominal pain, lumbar acid, frequent urination or dysuria, contact bleeding, and even infertility.

"Cervical erosion" will appear canceration?

The answer is No.

Gynecological examination found that "cervical erosion" does not mean that the cervix is cancerous However, cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions and early cervical cancer can also make the cervical erosion like changes, which is difficult to distinguish from "cervical erosion" by naked eye. Therefore, the screening of cervical cancer is very necessary. At present, the screening of cervical cancer mostly adopts the "three-step" procedure of cytology and / or HPV detection, colposcopy and cervical biopsy, and the diagnosis is based on histological diagnosis.

"Erosion" has occurred. Does it need intervention?

As mentioned above, "cervical erosion" is a normal physiological phenomenon, which generally does not need to take special treatment measures. For some patients with symptomatic cervicitis with "cervical erosion", try to go to a regular hospital for treatment.

Generally speaking, acute inflammatory infection can be treated with suppository to control inflammation. Chronic cervicitis can be followed up and observed. When necessary, different physical methods such as microwave, focused ultrasound, laser, freezing or conization can be used for treatment. The specific scheme varies from person to person.

The path reminds everyone! If the patients with ectopic cervical columnar epithelium only have "cervical erosion" and have no other symptoms, they do not need to take treatment measures. If someone asks you to treat, remember not to listen to him and run away! In case of complicated cervicitis, anti infection symptomatic treatment is required, but the awareness of cervical cancer screening and prevention needs to be improved. Cervical cytology and / or HPV testing should be carried out according to the doctor‘s recommendations.