These 8 misunderstandings of physical examination, if you don't know, you may have a white examinati

2022.01.03 03:00:00
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Bad living habits, unhealthy diet, heavy life and work pressure... Our body is in a "sub-health" state, and an annual physical examination is necessary.

Physical examination is a compulsory course for every adult. However, many people often mistakenly think that physical examination is qualified = physical health, and even think that physical examination should be an all inclusive disease screening.

However, most people‘s misunderstanding of physical examination often makes the role of physical examination inexplicable. Today, let‘s talk about 8 common misunderstandings about physical examination!

Misunderstanding: more physical examination items are better

Physical examination is the primary way of disease screening. Many people worry about their health too much. They do all the items they can do, whether they need it or not.

Even blindly pursue expensive and "sophisticated" equipment, and think that the more projects, the safer the equipment, the more assured the equipment.
In fact, the most important thing of personal physical examination is to be targeted.
Before the physical examination, the key is to focus on the selection of items according to their age, gender, occupation, health status and past medical history.

Myth: normal value equals health

The value of physical examination index is not equal to physical health.

At present, most physical examination indicators are set according to disease standards rather than health standards. In other words, normal physical examination indicators can only indicate that the physical condition reaches the passing standard of 60 points, but can not indicate that the body is healthy.
In addition, indicators vary from person to person. For example, the normal value standard of blood lipid and cholesterol indicators is only for healthy people, but it is a dangerous state for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular patients such as hypertension.

It is recommended that after the physical examination, if you are uncomfortable, you still need to consult a doctor to consider whether there are deviations and omissions in the examination items and the examination items that need to be added.

Misunderstanding: pay more attention to the five internal organs than the five senses

"Attaching importance to large projects and ignoring small projects" is a common problem for many people during physical examination.
We often attach great importance to the examination of the five Zang and six Fu organs, but don‘t think much of the examination of internal medicine, surgery, otolaryngology and ophthalmology.

In fact, some major diseases, such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma, can be found through simple nasopharyngeal examination. Some early gastrointestinal diseases can also be detected through routine stool detection. Even height and weight can judge a person‘s metabolism.

Misunderstanding: chronic diseases are treated without physical examination

Many patients with chronic diseases think they don‘t need additional physical examination during medication.

This idea is wrong. For example, some patients with high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus have been persisting in medication, but they do not have physical examination.

Generally, people without disease history can have a physical examination once a year, but for patients with chronic diseases, it is suggested that they should receive physical examination regularly.

It is recommended that diabetics should check blood glucose once a month to see if there is any lesion.

Hepatitis B patients check the liver B ultrasonic every half a year to check whether it is pathological.

Patients with gastropathy should have gastroscopy once a year in order to master the condition and adjust medication.

Misunderstanding: refuse to film physical examination items

Many people think that X-ray examination is harmful to human body, so they refuse to do chest X-ray, Dr examination and other radioactive examinations.
In fact, today‘s radiation examination time requires only a few tenths of a second of exposure, and the radiation dose is small and the image quality is good, which is far lower than the internationally acceptable radiation dose standard for human organs.

Therefore, Dr examination once or twice a year is not harmful to human body. Except for pregnant women and children, others don‘t have to worry too much.

Misunderstanding: do not take medicine before fasting physical examination

Blood collection does require fasting, but for patients with chronic diseases, medication before physical examination should be treated differently. You can consult a professional doctor first.

For example, patients with hypertension must take antihypertensive drugs every morning in order to stabilize their blood pressure. Hasty withdrawal or delay of taking drugs will cause sudden rise of blood pressure and risk.

Taking a small amount of antihypertensive drugs has a slight impact on the test, and the physical examination doctor can also evaluate the current antihypertensive scheme, so patients with hypertension can take antihypertensive drugs before physical examination.

Misunderstanding: don‘t find a doctor when the physical examination results come out

This phenomenon is very common. After many physical examination reports come out, we sometimes ask people casually or look at them ourselves. For some abnormal items, the hospital does not continue to check clearly, and the role of physical examination is not reflected.

The contents of the physical examination report only see the conclusion. In fact, there may be abnormalities in the single examination, which is not easy for non professional ordinary people to pay attention to.

Some even ignore the information that suggests going to the hospital for diagnosis or rechecking for several months, which is very dangerous.

Misunderstanding: physical examination is useless or once is enough

For physical examination, many people have different views. Some people are pessimistic and think that physical examination is useless; Others are too optimistic that a physical examination can manage three or five years.

In fact, a large number of data show that adhering to physical examination once a year is closely related to the control of common diseases such as hypertension and hyperglycemia, the early detection of tumors and the improvement of cure rate.

The physical condition is changing at any time, and the problem can be found only after long-term attention. Therefore, it is best for healthy people to have a physical examination once a year, and for patients with chronic diseases, it is best to have a comprehensive examination of the disease once half a year.

The above are some common misunderstandings of physical examination shared by the trail. I hope you can pay more attention to physical examination, understand physical examination items and make this health investment more valuable.