What are the physical examination items? After the age of 40, these four items must not be saved!

2022.01.17 03:39:05
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Speaking of physical examination, most people will feel that it is a medical related matter that they are afraid of and must do.

Due to the difference of body ability in the same population, the items to be examined are also different.

Of course, only by selecting the appropriate physical examination items according to the physical age can we more accurately reflect the physical condition and prevent the disease.

Today, Xiaodao will take you to understand those things about physical examination!

Why physical examination?

According to clinical data, most diseases can be found through physical examination and effectively treated, which greatly improves the survival rate of patients. Taking colorectal cancer, one of the five major cancer diseases in China, as an example, if colorectal cancer is found early, the 5-year survival rate after treatment can reach 90%. The late survival rate was only 12%.

Therefore, physical examination is a very necessary thing. Only by understanding your body can you know how to eliminate hidden dangers of disease and better maintain your health.

What are the routine physical examination items?

For the general population, the scope of routine physical examination items is about 20-40 years old. It usually includes the following items: three instruments, four departments, five tests and one additional screening.

The three instruments are:

ECG: understand the rhythm of heart beat, myocardial blood supply, etc.

Abdominal B-ultrasound: such as liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and both kidneys, to understand the inflammation and space occupation of various organs.

Take chest film: understand lung inflammation, space occupying and pleural conditions, as well as the size of heart shadow

The four departments are:

Internal medicine (including blood pressure), surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology

The five tests are:

Blood routine, urine and stool routine, biochemical examination (liver function, renal function, blood glucose, blood lipid) and immunological examination, such as two-and-a-half and relevant immunological indexes, tumor marker examination, such as liver, lung, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

An additional screening:

(female): gynecological examination, routine examination.

(male): prostate examination.

People over the age of 40 should increase projects

01. Bone mineral density test
After the age of 40, the overall function of the human body decreases, and the body‘s ability to absorb calcium and the main components of bone are gradually weakened. In addition, long-term sedentary, squatting, cross legged and other bad posture lead to the harm of bone aging and bone loss.

02. Brain examination
The age of onset of cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage is younger, but many people do not choose carotid ultrasound or brain imaging in routine physical examination. With the acceleration of the pace of life, many middle-aged groups usually have symptoms such as dizziness, headache and blurred eyes. You need to pay attention to this kind of examination.

03. Cancer screening
Some data show that the mortality of cancer in the age group of 35 ~ 50 years has ranked first in the death of various diseases in this age group. For people over 40 years old, it is best to do cancer screening once a year. It is suggested that young people with family history or related risk factors should also pay attention to this kind of examination.

04. Cardiac examination
For asymptomatic coronary heart disease, early myocardial infarction and other early cardiovascular diseases, it is difficult to be found through routine ECG, so that many middle-aged people often ignore this problem. If there are arrhythmias, chest tightness, shortness of breath and other symptoms, doctors often recommend an additional 24-hour ECG examination.
Who are high-risk physical examination objects?

01. Chronic patients
Patients with chronic diseases refer to those who have suffered from three high, cardiovascular, hepatitis, asthma, stomach disease and other diseases. When one‘s health has been treated and is in an unhealthy state, regular re examination and physical examination should be carried out.

02. People with family tumor diseases
Science shows that the occurrence of tumor is closely related to environment, genetics and other lifestyles. Generally speaking, people with family history of tumor diseases have a higher probability of cancer risk. Therefore, physical examination screening is very necessary.

03. People with irregular diet, work and rest
For people with a long-term lifestyle of staying up late and overeating, after their normal metabolism is disrupted, fatty liver and other diseases will often appear.

All middle-aged groups after the age of 04 and 40

With the increase of social and economic pressure, after the age of 40, the physical function begins to decline, and the age of patients with various diseases gradually tends to be middle-aged.

Common middle-aged people physical examination items, as well as thyroid, liver, fundus and female breast cancer color Doppler ultrasound examination, so it is very important to choose suitable physical examination items according to their own conditions.

In the face of unknown diseases, we should know that prevention is the best policy, prediction is the best policy, and treatment is the worst policy.
From now on, we regularly do a physical examination suitable for ourselves, which will never be a loss.