Do you know how to get the adult hepatitis B vaccine?

2021.11.26 16:02:18
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Chronic hepatitis B (hepatitis B for short) refers to people who have been infected with hepatitis B virus, the hepatitis B virus test is positive, the course of the disease is more than half a year or the date of onset is not clear, and the clinical manifestations of chronic hepatitis. It is understood that my country has become the first major "hepatitis B" country, with approximately 93 million people carrying the hepatitis B virus.

So many people carry the hepatitis B virus, how can we prevent it from getting hepatitis B?

Vaccination against hepatitis B is the most effective way to prevent hepatitis B!

At present, the prevention and control of children‘s hepatitis B in my country has achieved good results, but the prevention and control of adults is not ideal. In my country, the rate of adult hepatitis B vaccination is very low. In the 2014 hepatitis B seroepidemiological survey, the hepatitis B vaccination rate for people aged 20-29 years was only 38.2%. Therefore, the prevention and control of adult hepatitis B cannot be taken lightly. We recommend that the public take the initiative to vaccinate hepatitis B vaccine!

In order to let everyone know more about the hepatitis B vaccine, the editor checked the relevant information, and today I will give you a popular science one by one.

How to judge whether to be vaccinated against hepatitis B?

For the adult group, to receive hepatitis B vaccine, it is recommended to check the five indicators of hepatitis B first.

There are two methods for testing the five indicators of hepatitis B: qualitative and quantitative. According to the test results, it is possible to determine who needs to be vaccinated and who does not need to be vaccinated.

For example: 1. Look at the surface antigen of hepatitis B:
①The qualitative test is positive
②Quantitative detection>0.05IU/mL,
If one of the above conditions is met, it indicates that he has been infected with hepatitis B virus, and the hepatitis B vaccination has been invalid.

2. Look at the hepatitis B surface antibody:
If the qualitative test is positive, hepatitis B vaccination is generally no longer recommended.
 In quantitative detection, taking into account the error of reagent detection, combined with the epidemic situation in my country, it is generally believed that the surface antibody will have a protective effect when it is more than 30mIU/ml, and it is best to reach more than 100mIU/ml.
Therefore, when the surface antibody is negative or weakly positive, or <100mIU/ml, you can consider strengthening hepatitis B vaccination.

How many shots of adult hepatitis B vaccine generally need?

Regardless of whether children or adults, as long as they have not been vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine and meet the requirements for injection, they must complete the three-shot vaccine to work. Each of the three injections of hepatitis B vaccine plays a different role, and only a complete injection can have a protective effect. However, people tend to ignore the third injection for various reasons, which requires attention.

What is the dose of adult hepatitis B vaccine?

Regarding the vaccine dose, the important thing is said three times. Adults must inject 20μg! Inject 20μg! Inject 20μg! This has long been concluded in my country‘s "Chinese Adult Hepatitis B Immunization Prevention Technical Guide"!

Will the vaccine surely produce protective antibodies?

Unfortunately, after the vaccine, 5-10% of people will not respond to hepatitis B vaccine. Mainly seen in people over 40 years of age, obesity, drinking alcohol, undergoing hemodialysis, and those with weakened immune function caused by various reasons. For these people, the suggestion is to increase the vaccine dose and frequency of vaccination, or change the hepatitis B vaccine produced by a different expression system.