High-level science popularization of HPV vaccine, come!

2021.11.22 00:04:00
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Since the HPV vaccine entered the Chinese market, most people have begun to pay attention to this type of anti-cancer vaccine!

However, there are always some doubts and troubles during this period, so Xiaodao specially prepared a collection of related knowledge

Whether you are a senior party or a newcomer Xiaobai, don‘t miss it! ! !

Popular Science Outline Catalog

Can I get 9-valent HPV after 26 years of age?
Is it necessary for boys to get HPV vaccine together?
Can I get HPV vaccine if I am infected with HPV?
Are there any side effects after the HPV vaccine?
After HPV vaccination, can you be immune to the virus for life?

You can find the answers you want one by one according to the order of the science outline

1. After the age of 26, can HPV be vaccinated at nine prices?

OK! The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the vaccinated population is 9-45 years old, and the vaccinating age approved by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States (FDC) is also 9-45 years old for the nine-valent HPV vaccine.

Currently, HPV vaccines can be divided into: bivalent, quadrivalent and ninth-valent vaccines, and the number of virus subtypes is different for different valences. The 9-valent preventive virus types and vaccination benefits are currently the best, so female friends over 26 can also choose to go abroad for 9-valent HPV vaccine.

2. Is it necessary for boys to be vaccinated against HPV?

Every responsible boy should be vaccinated against HPV. In recent years, because HPV vaccine is mainly aimed at preventing cervical cancer in women and has obvious effects, it has been mistaken as a vaccine exclusively for girls by most. This idea is purely misleading! ! !

Here are the reasons why men are vaccinated against HPV:

There are more than 130 subtypes of HPV virus, not only women are susceptible to infection, but men are also susceptible to infection

Boys infected with other HPV viruses may cause anal cancer, penile cancer, oropharyngeal cancer, etc.

HPV causes condyloma acuminatum, which is more than 44% of males

HPV transmission is mainly through sex, and both parties need to ensure physical safety during sex

Men in the United States, South Korea, the United Kingdom and other countries are all being vaccinated against HPV. As a mature and stable boy, it is also important to be vaccinated against HPV.

3. Can I still be vaccinated if I am infected with HPV?

can! According to the "Science Questions and Reference Answers about HPV Vaccine" issued by the National Medical Products Administration:

Research data from South Korea in 2012 showed that HPV vaccine treatment can reduce the recurrence rate after HPV infection or cervical cancer lesions caused by it are cured.

In particular, the HPV viruses that the current vaccines can prevent have not been infected, and vaccination is still beneficial. This is the result of clinical practice.

For people who are susceptible to infection, it can prevent other high-risk viruses and reduce the chance of cervical cancer.

It is important to know that up to 75% of women have been infected with HPV in their lifetime. In the process from the virus to cancer, although the human body usually clears the HPV virus on its own, if it is not completely cleared and the infection continues, it may develop into a variety of diseases, so infection is recommended The crowd still needs to be vaccinated.

4. What are the side effects of HPV vaccine after vaccination?

According to the US CDC data as of 2015, the use of HPV vaccine exceeds 60 million, and no serious adverse reactions caused by the vaccine have been found.

Common vaccination reactions include: pain, redness, swelling, dizziness, or mild fever, etc., which usually disappear within a week after the HPV vaccine.

The current vaccine is relatively stable, and HPV vaccine is also one of the few vaccines that can prevent cancer. During the epidemic, Dr. Zhang Wenhong once again emphasized that the sooner people with conditions are vaccinated, the better.

5. Will it be immunized for life after being vaccinated with HPV vaccine?

In fact, no vaccine can be 100% effective in preventing diseases.

HPV vaccination is currently a scarce medical product among the anti-cancer vaccines. Data shows that the nine-valent HPV vaccine can effectively prevent more than 90% of cervical cancer complications.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also recommends that after vaccination with HPV vaccine (for women who have sex), regular TCT examinations are required every year to prevent cervical cancer.

For the body to prevent diseases, there has never been a once-and-for-all thing, so it is recommended that you not only take preventive measures in your life, but also need to check your body regularly for diseases.