Suggestions for physical examination items of different ages!

2021.11.11 21:02:00
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According to the data of China Statistical Yearbook of health and family planning, the number of physical examination in 2017 increased to 456 million, and the physical examination coverage rate was only 35.8%.

Compared with the United States, Japan and Germany, the health examination rate has reached 74.2%, 73.4%, and 96.9%, and the coverage of health examination in China is still very low.

Among the current population in the world, 15% are healthy people, 10% are patients, and 75% are at the forefront of disease, that is, sub-healthy people.
Physical examination is mainly aimed at this huge sub-health population. In the huge sub-health population, more than 70% of young adults aged 28 to 45 are not safe. Only physical examination is an effective measure to detect a variety of important diseases in the early stage.

Importance of physical examination

Due to irregular work and rest, unhealthy lifestyle, unbalanced diet, lack of reasonable exercise, excessive work pressure and other reasons, modern people‘s health problems have been quite serious, but unfortunately, many people have a weak awareness of health management.

After knowing the importance of physical examination, we still have to face a variety of physical examination items.

I don‘t know what to look for?

Check up once every ten years. Let‘s see what age you are!

Check for infectious diseases at the age of 20

Many people think that at the age of 20, all functions and resistance of the body are in the best state, and there is no need for physical examination.
The path clearly tells you that it is not!

Many kinds of vaccines are injected at birth, and most of these conventional vaccines are not lifelong immunity. By the age of 20, antibodies in the human body are likely to be below the normal defense level. In this case, if the vaccine is not replanted in time, the body will be in a dangerous state without protection.

Trail warm tips: young people in their 20s should pay attention to the screening of infectious diseases during physical examination, such as five items of liver function and blood routine. Also pay attention to chest X-ray examination, because tuberculosis is also common in young people.
Check blood glucose at the age of 30

Some people will ask, "is it a little early to pay attention to blood sugar at the age of 30?"

It‘s not early! People today are generally "eating more and moving less" than they used to be, and are busy with their careers, socializing, and having a lot of pressure. The onset age of diabetes is generally ahead of time, and the incidence of 30 years of age is also rare, especially in the prediabetes population.
Warm reminder: suggested that people over the age of 30 should have a blood glucose check at least once a year, and not only to check fasting blood glucose, because 50% of diabetic patients will not necessarily increase fasting blood glucose, but postprandial blood sugar will increase significantly. Conditional people can also monitor glycosylated hemoglobin, which is more accurate.
Check the heart at the age of 40

People used to think that it was too late to pay attention to heart health when they were 50 or 60. Now they have to pay attention to heart at the age of 40.
Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are becoming younger. Sudden cardiac death in people in their 40s is no longer news. If heart problems can not be found and diagnosed early, when acute myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease suddenly appear, the sudden death rate is higher than that of the elderly who are used to preventing them.

Trail warm tip: when people are in their 40s and 50s, their hearts and blood vessels will have an obvious aging, especially for people with a family history of cardiovascular disease, regular examination is very necessary.

Bone and intestine examination at the age of 50

By the age of 50, in addition to the contents that need to be checked at the above age, women generally have just menopause, the level of estrogen in the body decreases and the loss of calcium increases. Therefore, women suffering from osteoporosis are far more than men.

People aged 50 should consider suffering from osteoporosis if they have symptoms such as pain and easy fracture.

People aged 50 should also pay attention to intestinal health. When doing intestinal physical examination, we should pay more attention to intestinal polyps, chronic ulcers and other lesions to prevent these small lesions from developing into tumors.
Trail warm tip: people in this age group generally have osteoporosis more or less. It is recommended to check bone mineral density once a year. Ordinary people should have a regular stool examination once a year and enteroscopy and gastroscopy every two to three years. Gastroscopy and enteroscopy should be performed once a year for high-risk people with previous medical history.

Comprehensive investigation at the age of 60

The age of 60 is the beginning of the life of the elderly. The elderly at this age should carry out a comprehensive physical examination instead of focusing on the examination. In addition, there are many cases of sudden deafness and blindness in the elderly due to aging and fragile blood vessels, which are mostly related to sudden embolism of blood supply vessels to ears and eyes.

Warm reminder of the trail: besides the examination of serious diseases such as cardiovascular, cerebrovascular, diabetes, malignant tumor, kidney damage, and thyroid chronic diseases, the elderly should also pay attention to the prevention of hearing and fundus diseases.

A considerable number of people think that physical examination is not necessary if they are not uncomfortable; Others believe that physical examination is to see a doctor and prescribe medicine.

Xiaodao wants to tell you that the purpose of physical examination is to better understand the physical condition, and then intervene in diet or exercise to prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Early detection of physical problems, early diagnosis and early treatment to improve the curative effect. Preventing disease often costs much less than treating it.